New Designer for XBox

New Designer for XBox

Some time ago Joseph Boote designed a controller for the Xbox , drew a picture with his amendments and changes and sent it off in an envelope marked Caitriona Hallahan, Microsoft Ireland …. The drawing arrived on her desk and she was super impressed with his drawings and note about his new controller.

It arrived at a time that they were about to launch their new controller which was similar to the one Joseph had designed.

Caitriona got in contact with us to tell us how impressed she was and invited us to her office to meet her and the head of the Xbox design department.

We arrived and were treated like royalty.  Joseph  was first presented with the Xbox controller similar to his own design and then an Xbox one!! He was also given a goody bag with 3 games including the new Minecraft game and a hat and t-shirt.

It was a fantastic day and just goes to show you can be rewarded for ideas and hard work…
