While the sun is out, why not stop by for a game of chess?
MoreHappy Easter from Scoil Mhuire
From all of us here at Scoil Mhuire, have a wonderful Easter break everyone. Here’s some stunning art pieces by our very talented students...
MoreGAA Tournament March 2023
Congratulations to our girls team of GAA superstars who won the Chrissie O Toole Memorial Cup this week against the combination of school teams...
MoreSt Patricks Day 2023
Well done to everyone who took part in the Clifden St Patricks Day parade. It was a great effort by all participants. Huge Congratulations to our...
MoreSt Vince de Paul Food Hampers
Well done to our 5th and 6th class students who were fantastic again this year in collecting, assembling and wrapping up the food hampers for St...
More6th Class trip to Dublin
On the 25th of October, the 6th class students of Scoil Mhuire went to Dublin to celebrate 100 years of Women’s rights. During our visit to...
MoreWitches Walk 2022
Well done to all the staff and students on this years fang-tasticly spooky and colourful Witches Walk to Clifden town. A huge effort was...
MoreGoodluck to Mr O Brien and Naomh Feichín
Goodluck from all at Scoil Mhuire NS to our very own Mr O Brien and his team mates at Naomh Feichín GAA who are in the County Final this coming...
MoreArts Week Posters 2022
Well done to all the students who drew/sketched and painted some fabulous posters for this years Arts Week. Just have a look at some of our 6th...
A big congratulations to the students from 3rd to 6th class who participated in the ESB Science Blast event this year! The ESB science Blast is a...
MoreSamples of Work from Sixth Class
Here are some samples of work and activities from 6th class! They have been doing multi-sport stations in PE. In geography, they have been...
MoreClass Awards October 1st, 2021
Some of our award winners from Friday the 1st of October, 2021.
MoreScoil Mhuire Arts Week Poster Competition
This year in Scoil Mhuire we held our own Arts Week Poster Competition. The competition was unbelievably stiff but the judges were finally able to...
MoreClass, Quiz and Art Awards September 24th 2021
Some of our class awards winners on Friday 24th September, 2021. We had extra awards today on account of Arts Week. Here are some of the winners...
MoreLove Shine A Light
This week for Arts Week the whole school have been learning the song Love Shine A Light. Today was their big performance as a whole school outside...