We have had several reports of head lice in the last few weeks. Follow this link http://www.hse.ie/portal/eng/health/az/N/Nits/ for useful facts...
MoreSchool ties
School ties are available from Stanley’s in Clifden, for under €5.
A set of keys where handed over to the office last week. They were found beside the gate to the GAA pitch.
MoreChickens are back!!
After a long holiday at Ms Mullen’s house, our chickens have returned and they look healthier than ever. We would like to thank Ms. Mullen...
MoreRemember Clifden Arts Week 2015? We do!!
Adieu Elodie!!!
Scoil Mhuire would like to thank Elodie for the wonderful french lessons that we have had the pleasure of experiencing over the last three weeks...
MoreCredit Union Quiz champions
Scoil Mhuire took part in the Credit Union quiz last weekend. We entered three teams- one each from 4th, 5th and 6th class respectively. All of...
First class have been part of initiative that has involved Mrs. Clancy, Ms Mullen, Mrs. Mc Evaddy and Mr. Mc Aleer working with small groups to...