4th Class and The Blue Dot Project

4th Class and The Blue Dot Project

4th Class and The Blue Dot Project

Last week our 4th class students were treated to a morning in Kylemore Abbey as part of The Blue Dots/Streamscapes Project which is testing the quality of water in areas throughout Co. Galway.

Not only were the students testing the quality of the water on the grounds of Kylemore but they were also finding types of fish and species that are living in our waters. It was a beautiful morning out in the fabulous Kylemore Abbey Gardens and some of the students were even lucky enough to catch a little trout which certainly made their day.

Congratulations to all the students for representing our school and for helping out the project coordinators Brendan and Yosef with their studies.

Publication of the Blue Dot Catchments booklet by Streamscapes