3rd Class Jerusalema Dance Challenge
MoreSpiderweb Patterns
We created our own coloured patterns to make spider webs. It was tricky to begin with but we figured it out as a class. It was really fun! By...
MoreSpooky Haunted Houses!
Before midterm we did very spooky haunted houses. We had lots of fun doing them! By Rory Ashe
MoreOur ‘Masked’ Selfies!
During our first week back at school we drew a self portrait of ourselves and added a colourful mask. It was so much fun and we all enjoyed it. We...
MoreBack to School and Halloween Fun!
We had a fantastic two months in 3rd Class. The children are settling in well. They are happy to be back in school with their friends and are...
Our loony leprechauns are special in their own different ways. They are all different shapes and sizes, with unique names. We made the Loony...
MoreAccelerated Reader Certificates
We had our first awards for AR today. They were given on out to children who are working very hard and trying their best.
MoreArt in Third
Wonderful art from third class.
MoreOur New Class!
Welcome all to 3rd class! We have all settled in now after a great Arts Week with lots of activities and music which we really enjoyed. We are now...
MoreEnd of Year Round Up
Since Easter 3rd class have had great fun. April and May saw the children experiencing all things GAA. The children planted tomato plants in our...
MoreHappy Easter
Third class wish everybody a very happy St. Patrick’s day and a very Happy Easter. We hope you all like our fun Easter eggs.  ...
MoreOur Chinese New Year
Welcome back to our blog, we have been very busy celebrating the Chinese New Year and all things Chinese. The children did wonderful artwork...
MoreHappy New Year 2016!
2016 saw us all back at school after a lovely Christmas. Santa was good to everybody in third class. In January, the children started a project...