Take a look at some of the wonderful replicas our 3rd class students made of the houses, grounds and items used during the Stone Age. All classes...
More3rd Class Fun in December
Some days we like to sing and bake….
MorePeace Proms 2024
We can’t stop singing especially when the sun is shining Dance Move Practice Jan 2025: PPUW4540[1] Singing carols to the local...
MoreFun with Maths in 3rd Class
3rd Class had lots of fun with an Introduction to Multiplication and used the equal groups strategy to work it out. Well done everyone
MoreWitches Walk 2024
Well done to everyone in Scoil Mhuire for a fabulous last day before the midterm break. We are so proud of each of our students and even the staff...
MoreScoil Mhuire Peace Proms Journey
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are delighted to announce that Scoil Mhuire will be participating in the Peace Proms for the first time this year. We...
MoreSchool Tour to Boffin
Our 3rd Class students headed off to Inish Boffin on their school tour this year and were lucky to have a guided tour with Michael Gibbons. Not...
MoreArt in the Hallways
Just a sneak peak of some of our talented students Art Work this month.
MoreGAA and Rugby Blitz March 2024
The senior students of Scoil Mhuire had a very busy last week of term this week. Our 4th and 5th class students were busy on the Connemara Rugby...
MoreCelebrating World Book Day
We certainly did celebrate World Book Day in style here at Scoil Mhuire. We even had some wonderful characters teaching the classes today. Well...
MoreWelcoming In 2024
Our 3rd and 4th class students have been busy the last week transforming their hall corridor into a “Here We Are 2024” party for...
MoreSpreading some Christmas Cheer
Students from Scoil Mhuire were spreading some Christmas Cheer to the local residents of Clifden Daycare Centre and Str Anne’s Nursing Home...
MoreHalloween Artwork
Arts Weeks Fun 2023
Welcome to the 46th Clifden Arts Festival. A huge thank you to all our guest speakers, musicians, artists, poets and community representatives who...
MoreFirst Assembly of the Year
What a welcome today for our new Junior Infants Class and all our new students here at Scoil Mhuire. Today at our very first school assembly for...