Busy builders on Infants Yard today!!
CREDIT UNION ART COMPETITION WINNERS Molly Morgan, John Lambert and Kaiya...
MoreAccelerated Reader Certificates
We had our first awards for AR today. They were given on out to children who...
MoreAdvent calendar in 4th
The advent calendar is prepared and ready to go in4th class.
MoreMindset in 4th
4th class learned about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth...
MoreArt in Third
Wonderful art from third class.
MoreScience in Sixth
6th class discovered who the Cartesian diver is thanks to Ms. Keogh.
MoreFifth class Headbomz
Fifth class learned a lot reading a novel called Headbomz.
MoreChristmas Spirit
4th class are already getting in the Christmas spirit!!