We can’t stop singing especially when the sun is shining Dance Move Practice Jan 2025: PPUW4540[1] Singing carols to the local...
MoreFun with Maths in 3rd Class
3rd Class had lots of fun with an Introduction to Multiplication and used the equal groups strategy to work it out. Well done everyone
MoreSenior Infants 2024
A mixture of fun in Senior Infants since we started back in August! Some of the fun things we done in the last few weeks include: Arts Week...
MoreWitches Walk 2024
Well done to everyone in Scoil Mhuire for a fabulous last day before the midterm break. We are so proud of each of our students and even the staff...
MoreScoil Mhuire Peace Proms Journey
Dear Parents/Guardians, We are delighted to announce that Scoil Mhuire will be participating in the Peace Proms for the first time this year. We...
MoreMaking shapes in 5th Class
5th Class enjoying 2D shape fun Propaganda Posters whilst learning about World Wars
MoreMaths Week with 5th Class
Last week 5th Class took part in all things maths for Maths Week. Check out some of their working projects below. Testing out the new maths...