On the 7th of May, 20 children from Scoil Mhuire made their First Holy Communion in St. Joseph’s Church, Clifden. The sun shone brightly for...
MoreMay is the month of Mary
Have a look at our wonderful alters that 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th class have prepared for the month of May. 1st Class 2nd Class 7th and 8th Class...
MoreConcert with Amy Dickinson
Our 5th class students were invited to a concert by twice Grammy nominee saxophonists Amy Dickson in the Station House Theatre recently. Some of...
MoreSome Seasonal Art by Junior Infants
Our Junior Infants are all ready to watch the flowers grow and dip their toes into the sand this week. Great to see so many colours!
MoreFirst Class Goes Banana’s-Check out their video!
Happy Friday from 1st Class in Scoil Mhuire. Click the link below to view their video. First Class Goes Bananas
MoreSt Patricks Day 2022
Well done to the Scoil Mhuire Band in the St Patrick’s Day Parade this year. They done a great job and we hope everyone enjoyed their music...
MoreHappy St Patrick’s Day
Wishing all our students, staff and parents a very Happy St Patrick’s Day.
MoreTrip to The Clifden Bookshop
Our 1st class readers were treated to a special trip down to The Clifden Bookshop today just in time for the long weekend. The children used their...