We have had a very exciting September in Junior Infants this year. Ms O Connor has joined Mrs Vaughan in the classroom and there is lots of learning going on while still having fun.

First Day
Checking for eggs and feeding the hens and “Let’s see if there are any tomatoes to pick?”
Mumu, the class mascot, sets off on his adventures visiting all the new students in his class.
Look at the lovely Matisse pictures we have done. We coloured and cut out shapes and made our own designs. Do you like them?
Hey, Arts Week has arrived! Lots of visitors came to our school.
Cormac’s Dad, Seán shows 2nd class and infants how to churn milk the old fashioned way and mmmm! It was yummy!
The weather was so lovely, we listened to Betty and the Babyboomers outside!
Joanna McGlynn introduces the children to the art of Dorothy Cross.
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