Back to School and Halloween Fun!

Back to School and Halloween Fun!

We had a fantastic two months in 3rd Class. The children are settling in well. They are happy to be back in school with their friends and are doing super work! Here is an overview of what we have been up to.


-Accelerated Reading- child reads at instructional level.

-Starlight- recount and report genres.


-In September 3rd Class were busy with recount writing. We focused on time words, capital letters and full stops. The children did wonderful writing on ‘My Best Day of Summer’.

– For October we concentrated on report writing focusing on question marks, exclamation marks and full stops. Irish Folktale Creatures featured in our work and I think the Leprechaun was a favourite among the children!

-Revision of pre-cursive handwriting, we will be starting cursive handwriting after the midterm break.


-We have started ‘Spellings for me’ an individualised programme for children to learn spellings at their own level.


-Place Value- identify hundreds, tens, units, order numbers, rounding up/down.

-Addition- adding tens and units

-Subtraction- adding tens and units


-Time- revision of o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to.


-Téamaí- Mé Féin agus Oíche Shamhna

-Dán- Shiúil mé

Scéal- Oíche Shamhna



-Theme ‘Myself’

-We looked at features that make us special and unique and friendships.

-The children created a rainbow name cloud and used positive words to describe themselves.

-The children created a ‘positivity balloon’ showing things that they are good at.

-Stay Safe- we have completed lesson 1 of the programme on feelings, this focused on the importance of feelings, how they send us messages and how we react to them.


-3rd Class have been taking part in games and athletics. Every day we are getting out for a few walks around the school and the children are having fun counting their steps each day!


-3rd class received the Sacrament of Penance on the 23rd September and have been busy preparing for their 1st Holy Communion. Unfortunately, due to covid restrictions this has been postponed until further notice, but we are ready for when we get the go ahead again!

Halloween Party

Last Friday we had a Halloween party with Eileen and Ms. McNicholas. We had lots of fun, games, treats and a few tricks! The children were excited to get their fortune told by Mystic McNicholas and had fun watching their teachers do the ‘mummy challenge’!! Well done to all of the children for their effort in dressing up for Halloween!

Take Care,

Ms. Coyne