We enjoyed using the outdoors to enhance our maths knowledge since the start of the year.

Our Gaeilge work as part of our Siopadoireacht theme.

A cross curricular approach to mapping and orienteering.

We have been making lava lamps to look at density as part of our science work

We have been using various board games to learn our new spelling words.

We have used active learning stations throughout each maths concept this year.

We have been looking at the continent of Africa in our Geography work.

Some more outdoor learning for Maths Week.

A multiplication matching game as part of our Maths Week activities.

Our spooky Halloween Haunted Houses

Fancy Dress fun on the last day of term.

We have been taking part in many teamwork activities in P.E

We made some Autumn wreath decorations as part of our art work.

We looked at the water cycle and how rain clouds work as part of our science this term.

We had great fun trying different forms of athletics in P.E.